
Nov 23, 2010

Hostess with the mostest

I will be Hosting Thanksgiving again this year with my small family!
(my Dad,Mom,Sister her Husband and 2 kids)
I say small because it is...
compared to my Hubby's family of 12 kids!
I'm Serious!
Although my Mom came from a large 12 kid family and I LOVED getting together during the Holidays! A memory I am Thankful for!

I get so excited this time of year!
Thanksgiving is the start of the Holiday season!
I hope you ALL get to spend the Holidays surrounded by Loved ones!
and good food! ;)

On a different note...I wanted to share with you all my
I have had the stuff to make my own wreath for quite awhile now...
I FINALLY broke out the materials and MADE it...
"jump around, jump around,jump up,jump up and get down"
(yes, that's a song!)
OK..Here it is....

OK! So it's not the "grandest" wreath...but it looks alright
Doesn't it?!
Doesn't IT?!

These darned rosettes used up ALL my hot glue sticks...and took me a LONG time to make!LOL!
but they sure look pretty!

I gotta get BAKING now!
I'm the

Wishing EVERYONE a HaPPy Thanksgiving!

Who's going shopping this FRIDAY?!


Erin Wallace said...

Guess what, Victoria? You've now won your second CSN giveaway! Yes, you won the Dropped Stitches giveaway! Come check out the post and I'll let you know how to claim your prize.

Emily said...

I love it!! I think it is adorable!


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