
Oct 18, 2011

Welcome Baby

Please Welcome
Charlotte Rose
Born 8/22/2011

Yes she is almost 2 months old now...and I have been enjoying every minute of her!

Picture taken by About Heart Photography
a local photographer, she does an AMAZING job!! ;)

Here's what I've been doing:
Aside from the fact that I am now a Mother of 6 (wow) I have still been crocheting, cooking, and well...not so much crafting. You see, right now we are living with my parents in their 800 square foot house, it's small, cramped, and a little hot, but it's better than our travel trailer! ;)

Tomorrow we are heading out on a trip to Rapid City, South Dakota!! YAY!
Going to meet some family there, have some fun in a motel, and the hubby thinks he wants to move their, so I guess we will be looking into that too...

So...that's what I've been up to...
Hopefully I will be able to get back to Blogging more than once every 4 months! HA!

Here's what Charlotte looks like now
(as you can see, I am no photographer)
but I can make cute babies!LOL!


Brandie said...

So sweet! Have a safe trip! I better get an order in quick before you move on me ;)

bedroom decorating said...

Good day
~Couture Unraveled~
I have been previously looking for something such as this for a time now. Finally something to be grateful for, thanks!

Judi @kitchenknives said...

Fashionable model your baby. I like baby style.


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