Have I been busy!
Thanksgiving, 5 kids and 1 Mom getting sick (no fun at all), Christmas(fun), 5 kids home ALL DAY EVERYDAY(a little fun and no fun all at once!)
However...In all my sane quiet moments
I did manage to make a couple new items for a friend that was due to have a baby around Christmas time!
~Couture Unraveled~
Sleepy Owl Hat
~I have seen these Owl Hats all over everywhere Etsy. I FINALLY got a chance to sit down and make one...and this is how it turned out! I LOVE it...seriously!!
but no hat is complete without a pair of I made these..
and since her Baby was due right around Christmas time I also made her a "sparkly" pair for coming home in...
Both items are now available in my Etsy
If you would like to make this hat yourself....
here is the link that I found for the owl hat...
(i did change my hat up a bit from this pattern...but this is the basic pattern for it)
the bootie pattern was purchased from Mon Petit Violin)
on Etsy.
I have a question...when you go onto Etsy to purchase something...would you prefer: it pre-made in whatever color/size it comes in
(making it available for shipping right away)
2. have it custom made at time of order in color/size you need/want?
(having to wait longer for your purchase, but it is made to order)
{I am trying to see if I should start offering pre-made items in my Etsy}
right now it is ALL custom made to order!
Feedback would be much appreciated!!!
~Victoria W~
~Couture Unraveled~
I can't wait to do more etsy shopping. for the most part, I'll go for pre-made. But I do want to have a couple of things custom made to match outfits :)
Cute,Cute!! Overall I like premade but sometimes I'll want certain colors.
LOVE your hat and booties, my gosh they're cute! Thanks for the link for the hat too :)
I wondered the same thing about my Etsy shop but for me I got too stressed out selling made to order so I now offer stuff that's pre-made and if I get a special request for a custom order I will do it. That's me though.
Hey I hope you can come join my new one-time, year long link party featuring your most popular post. It would be great to have you participate!
Thanks :)
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